If you have any question, feel free to reach me.
If you think we should work together, that's what I do:
These days, being productive and focused is harder than ever before.
Why? because our attention is worth money.
The tech companies are fighting for our attention in order to make profit.
Cognitive and psychology experts are doing everything they can to win our time and focus. It’s not a wonder we find ourselves scrolling and texting for hours, without control and conciousness.
According to recent researches, it takes 23 minutes in average to get your focus back after you got distracted.
Given the fact that distractions are stronger then ever, it’s not surprising that people are having hard time being productive and focused.
In my opinion, the term “user experience” should be looked in a wider way. The experience should include the mentality of the user during, before and after using the app.
The solution won’t come from the tech tycoons, I can assure you that. They don’t have interests to get you out of your phone, the opposite, the longer you scroll- the bigger their profit is.
The change will come from us, we need to find the solutions.